Flying Sites
All pilots are required to be a member of the NZHGPA and carry their membership cards while flying (they are your pilots licence). NZHGPA rules and procedures should be followed at all times (gliders and harnesses must have current WOF’s).
If you are a visiting overseas pilot then you will need a temporary membership, which you can purchase through the NZHGPA.
For more information for visiting pilots CLICK HERE.
Download a PDF version of the CHGPC sites guide by clicking the button below.

Canterbury is bounded on the west by the Main Divide, which rises to about 1500M (5000ft) but reaches 2400M (8000ft) south of Westport, and 3765M (12,349ft) at Mt Cook; and in the east by the coast between Kaikoura and Ashburton. There is a coastal plain from Amberley to Oamaru but in the north the Kaikoura mountains rise steeply from the coast. The plain slopes gently upwards and westwards to the main divide. East of gaps in the ranges the climate is locally modified by channelling of W-NW winds. Spring and early autumn are the windiest seasons, but strong SW winds may occur at any time of the year. Christchurch city is often subject to strong sea breezes which set up in the afternoon.
Do not be tempted to fly in NW conditions, there have been two deaths directly attributable to deciding to fly when the upper level winds are from the NW quarter. These conditions are indicated by the presence over the Southern Alps of the North West arch.