Pilot Safety
Keeping ourselves and others safe on the ground (and in the air)
Accident statistics
Free flight is a serious activity, and we all need to set our primary objective as landing safely.
There have been two fatalities in the Canterbury-West Coast region in the last decade, and a number of very serious accidents.
This page links you to useful information to help you achieve that.
Other useful airspace around Canterbury
G951 - Torlesse Range
This is an indicative outline of the airspace area G951 which can be opened on request by Christchurch air traffic control. When G951 is opened, we have a maximum altitude of 9500 feet over Torlesse range.

Think like a pilot
NZHGPA is running a safety campaign to get each of us as pilots to consider.
My environment
My Plan
There is an excellent set of resources here:
Useful Links
CHGPC Facebook Group
Landowners Code
‘Hike & Fly‘ Facebook Group
Accident statistics
Free flight is a serious activity, and we all need to set our primary objective as landing safely.
There have been two fatalities in the Canterbury-West Coast region in the last decade, and a number of very serious accidents.
This page links you to useful information to help you achieve that.