Our Constitution
2 OBJECTS: The Objects for which the club is established are:-
2.1 To encourage and advance the sport of foot launched flying.
2.2 To foster the technical development of the sport in terms of hardware and flying techniques.
2.3 To promote the ethics of foot launched flying, particularly that of pilot responsibility within a framework of minimum regulation.
2.4 To promote social intercourse amongst and between the members and mutual helpfulness, and to afford amenities to members for the better achievement of the objects of the club.
3 DEFINITIONS: In this constitution unless inconsistent with the context:-
3.1 "Act" means the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.
3.2 "Club" means the CANTERBURY HANG GLIDING AND PARAGLIDING CLUB INCORPORATED registered under these rules.
3.3 "Notice" means letter or newsletter deemed to have been duly delivered if posted to him/her in a prepaid letter addressed to him/her a member at his/her last known place of abode, or sent by email (or similar) to the contact details supplied by the member, or verbal communication from a management committee member direct to the member.
4.1 Categories: There shall be two (2) membership categories as follows. Member's benefits and privileges may be defined from time to time by the Management Committee. Only full members have voting rights.
4.1.1 Full Member:
For consideration for Full membership a prospective member shall lodge with the President or Secretary a signed written application.
4.1.2 Life Member:
Past Full members may be elected Life members from time to time by the Management Committee. Life member club benefits privileges may be defined from time to time by the Management Committee.
4.2 Annual Subscription: Every member shall on or before the first day of October in every calendar year or such other date as may be fixed by the Management Committee from time to time pay an annual subscription as shall be fixed by resolution from time to time by the Management Committee.
4.3 Levies: Every member shall in addition to all the other monies payable by him/her forthwith pay the club all and every sums of money not exceeding in any one case the amount of his/her annual subscription for the then current year which shall at any time and from time to time by resolution passed by the two thirds majority in a special general meeting be levied upon him/her as a member and which the club shall consider necessary or expedient for the purpose of furthering the interest of the club and its members.
4.4 Resignation of members: Any member may resign membership by giving to the secretary not less than one calendar month's written notice to that effect and paying his/her fees, subscriptions, levies and penalties theretofore due.
4.5 Expulsion or Suspension of a member: If a member is in breach of these rules or any bylaw or regulations here or has behaved with serious misconduct in any meeting, the Management Committee may give notice to the member of a pending suspension or benefits or privileges or invite the member to resign. The member may elect to make a submission about the expulsion or suspension to the Management Committee meeting at the earliest convenient date and at such meeting the member shall be allowed to offer an explanation verbally and/or in writing. If after hearing the member's submission the Management Committee resolves to expel the member, the member shall forthwith without releasing him/her from any previous liability to the club cease to be a member.
5.1 General Meeting (GM): A general meeting shall be held at such times and places as the President or in his/her absence or inability the Management Committee shall direct for the purposes of transacting the business of the club and deciding upon such resolutions as shall be the duly submitted to the meeting. The election of club officers, votes of no confidence and changes to this constitution may only occur at an AGM or SGM.
5.2 Special General Meeting (SGM): The President or in his/her absence or inability any other member of the Management Committee may at any time for any special purpose summon a special general meeting and he shall do so forthwith upon the requisition in writing of any five members stating the purposes for which the meeting is required. At least 14 days notice stating the purpose of the meeting must be given. A quorum of twenty (20) full members is required.
5.3 Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of October or such other month as may be fixed by the Management Committee from time to time in every year upon a date and at a time and place to be fixed by the Management Committee for the following purposes:-
5.3.1 To receive and approve a report from the Management Committee consisting of a balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year ending 30th June.
5.3.2 To receive and approve a proposed budget from the Management Committee for the coming year.
5.3.3 To elect the Management Committee and to appoint an auditor for the ensuing year.
5.3.4 To elect any ancillary officers where this is deemed necessary by the outgoing Management Committee.
5.3.5 To decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted to the meeting.
General Business.
At least 14 days notice of the meeting must be given. A Quorum of 20 full members is required.
5.4 Procedure at General Meetings:
5.4.1 At all General Meetings the President and in his/her absence any other duly elected Chairman shall take the chair.
5.4.2 Resolutions at General Meetings must be duly recorded in a minute book with the proposers name and a seconders name, both of whom must be current members.
5.4.3 Every Full member present personally shall be entitled to one vote.
5.4.4 Voting at any General Meetings shall be by a show of hands or at the request of any member present a particular vote may be by ballot.
5.4.5 A majority is required to elect an officer.
5.4.6 A majority is required to pass a vote of no confidence in any officer of the club.
5.4.7 A majority is required to pass resolutions regarding bylaws not included in this constitution.
5.4.8 A majority is required to approve accounts, alterations in club subscriptions.
5.4.9 A majority of two thirds majority is required to pass resolution that Alter This Constitution. Any such alteration shall have been duly described in the notice summoning the meeting.
It is intended that the Management Committee handle the finances, membership control and disciplinary issues. The committee should arrange meetings and generally remove the day to day organisational matters from general debate as long as they behave within the parameters set out here. The Management Committee is to ensure that any regulatory requirements are carried out, while general meetings may get on with social intercourse and advancing the other objectives of the club.
6.1 Management Committee Composition: The affairs of the club shall be conducted by a Management Committee consisting of the following officers:
And three additional persons chosen from CHGPC officer positions.
6.2 Selection of Management Committee Members:
6.2.1 Nominations shall be separately received and voted on at each Annual General Meeting to elect each of the committee members.
6.2.2 Each committee member shall hold office (except in case of death, resignation, expulsion, suspension or no confidence vote) until election of successors to office.
6.2.3 A member may not hold more than one office committee position at a time unless approved any at an AGM.
6.2.4 Committee member must declare any commercial interest in foot launched flying and if so have no voting rights on the management committee.
6.2.5 The Management Committee shall have power to appoint a member to fill any casual vacancy on the committee until the next annual general meeting, except in the case of a vacancy due to a no confidence vote.
6.2.6 A management committee member or officer of the club may be removed from their position by a vote of no confidence at a special general meeting. Where this happens the same special general meeting shall vote in a replacement committee member.
6.2 Proceedings of the Management Committee:
6.3.1 Meetings of the Management Committee may be convened by circular letter or similar communication and four of their number shall form a quorum of the committee. Any club member may attend this meeting however the Management Committee reserves the right to go into committee.
6.3.2 Management Committee members are each entitled to one vote and a four-fifths majority is required to pass any resolution.
6.3.3 The Management Committee shall have full power upon its resolution to set up, control and remove any number of sub-committees and to delegate to them or any of them any of its own powers authorities and/or duties.
6.3.4 Full minutes shall be kept and permanently attached to a hard bound minute book. This book and is to be available for inspection by any member upon request.
6.4 Duties of the Management Committee: It shall be the duty of the Management Committee generally to conduct the affairs of the club, to keep minutes of these proceedings and the usual and proper books of account properly posted up and other records of the business of the club, to notify member of intended meetings and the business to be transacted thereat. More specifically it shall by the duty of the Management Committee to:-
6.4.1 Prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting a report balance sheet and statement of accounts (both duly audited) for the preceding year, the books of account are made up annually to the 30th June.
6.4.2 Prepare and submit to the Annual General Meeting a projected set of accounts and club subscriptions and a list of ancillary officer required for the coming year.
6.4.3 Make up and forward to the Registrar of Societies, annual returns of the income and expenditure funds and effects and number and particulars of members in accordance with the Act. Also forward duplicate copies of every alteration, addition, rescission or amendment to this constitution to the registrar in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
6.4.4 Maintain a record of members and to take disciplinary action where appropriate.
6.4.5 Maintain a current set of bylaws and rules of the club including all changes passed by resolution in either general meeting or management committee meeting.
6.4.6 Ensure appropriate flows of information regarding the committee proceeding through devices such as email (or similar), newsletters and meetings.
6.4.7 Provide and be responsible for the custody of the Common Seal of the club. Whenever the Common Seal of the club is required to be affixed to any deed document instrument or writing the same shall be affixed pursuant only to a resolution of the Management Committee in the presence of the President (and any one other member of the Management Committee)
6.5 Powers of the Management Committee
6.5.1 Control and Use of Funds: All monies received by or on behalf of the club shall forthwith be paid to the credit of the club in an account with a Bank and all withdrawal slips and cheques drawn on or used in respect of the account shall be signed or endorsed by any one member of the Management Committee together with the President or the Secretary. The Management Committee must endeavour to perform to budget.
6.5.2 Regulations: The Management committee by resolution may make, amend and/or rescind by-laws and regulations governing the conduct and requirement of members in meeting and in the activities of the club generally and the use and control of the club's property including delegation of management to sub-committees. Members must be notified of changes to by-laws and regulations.
6.5.3 Club Officers: The Management Committee may appoint ancillary club officers or choose to have these officers elected at a general meeting.
6.5.4 Interpretation: Any question relating to the interpretation of these rules or any regulation or by-law here-under shall be settled by the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final.
The club shall in addition to the other powers vested in it have a power to borrow or raise money from time to time by the issue of debenture (perpetual of redeemable) bonds mortgages bills notes receipts or any other security founded or based on all or any of the property and/or rights of the club or without any such security and upon such terms as to priority and otherwise as the club shall think fit but the powers of so borrowing or raising money shall not be exercised except pursuant to a resolution of the club passed by the two thirds majority at a Special or AGM.
In the event of the club being wound up the surplus assets after payment of the club's liabilities and expenses of the wind-up shall be donated to the New Zealand Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association Incorporated, or should this organisation not exist to another charitable organisation having similar objectives to the CHGPC.
This document amended by Simon Corbett, CHGPC Club President, lodged by Jillian Michele Borst, Clifford Swailes, CHGPC Club Secretary
12 May 2018; 3 April 2001
With S.H. Tucker Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies, Auckland.The Companies Office