Information about landing options in/around Castle Hill Station area.
Please do your best to AVOID landing within the boundary of the Castle Hill Station. The green ticks are the only areas approved for landing by land owners. If you land anywhere else on the Station you risk having the designated green areas removed for everyone.
Please respect the wishes of the landowner and utilise other landing options in the basin - e.g. Texas Flat, Golf course etc.
This is an area where livestock are often present, so please remain vigilant at all times of the year.
The current landing agreement is to stay on the south east paddocks opposite the car park (marked with a green tick on the map below).
Please be aware of the NO LANDING zones in the area and get familiar with the map markup (below)
If you get caught out and have no other option but to land within the farm boundaries, especially the mark-up paddocks, please get in touch with the station's manager Ann or CHGPC Sites officer ASAP.
Station managers Ann & Jason Hann: 021 262 8360 , or leave a note at the manager's house.
We are privileged to fly at these locations and courtesy costs nothing.